SweepEx push brooms lay claim to being the world’s number one and, say Wessex International, whilst often copied are never bettered. It’s a strong claim but one which has substance in the fact that SweepEx brooms stand on their own weight and the bristles are so rigid you could jump up and down on them without them giving way. Other brooms, say Wessex, have the inconvenience of having to be placed in some sort of stand as the bristles will not support the weight when not in use. Which leads to considering the efficiency and longevity of the SweepEx brooms in comparison.

SweepEx brooms are great sweepers for forklifts, telehandlers, tractors and skidsteers, holding and moving bulk volumes easily and in the case of the SweepEx MegaMax, the patented side retainers hold the material in front of the brush and avoid spillage at the side. This also allows you to sweep close to a wall or curb without causing damage. There are no motors, belts or chains and no flying debris so you can quietly and safely get on with the job of clearing mud, gravel and stones, slurry and standing water with the hardness of the bristles clearing everything in their path. It is said they will go on doing this for 450 miles before bristle replacement needs to be considered and then it’s a quick and easy job to install new ones. You save time too by not having to go over areas two or three times and the firmness of the bristles gives the broom a squeegee effect which is ideal for dealing with wet leaves and spills.

Available in 1.5m, 1.8m and 2.4m width the SweepEx brooms clearly stand alone. For more information on SweepEx see here